EHRA wEHRAbles-II Survey


EHRA wEHRAbles-II Survey The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of wearable devices and telemedicine in cardiovascular healthcare. The EHRA Young EP group together with the EHRA Scientific Initiatives Committee and the EHRA Digital Committee takes this opportunity to conduct the wEHRAbles-II survey on the impact of tracings from wearable devices on your daily clinical decision making. The survey can be [...]

EHRA wEHRAbles-II Survey2020-10-30T16:11:40+00:00

Members Only Video Library


Members Only Video Library We have launched a premium video library for our BHRS members.  This contains some fantastic content by leading professionals.  Some example titles are: Approach & Considerations for the Trans-septal Puncture AF Ablation: Beyond PVI (Strategies & Approaches to Redo-Persistent Cases VT: AADs & Non-Invasive Management Strategies EPS Protocols & Frequently [...]

Members Only Video Library2020-10-28T15:59:35+00:00

BHRS Webinar: Restoration & Improvement of Device Services During COVID-19


Webinar: Restoration & Improvement of Device Services During COVID-19 Friday 27th November: 15:00 to 17:00 The COVID pandemic has had a major effect on the way we deliver device services in the UK. This webinar will look at some of the issues faced by us all and highlight some of the positive work around [...]

BHRS Webinar: Restoration & Improvement of Device Services During COVID-192020-10-28T13:35:41+00:00

NEW: Case Challenge for October 2020


BHRS Case Challenge: October 2020 We are pleased to announce the next BHRS ECG/EGM Challenge with an interesting case entitled: Pre-syncope In An ICD Patient: An Unexpected Aetiology This case was contributed by Charlotte Mehegan at the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, UK TAKE THE CHALLENGE If you have an interesting case, [...]

NEW: Case Challenge for October 20202020-10-07T12:45:04+00:00

AER Journal: Dedicated Page


AER Journal Dedicated Webpage Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Review (AER) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal that is indexed on PubMed, Scopus, the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). It comprises balanced and comprehensive review articles, editorials and expert opinion pieces written by leading authorities, addressing the [...]

AER Journal: Dedicated Page2020-10-07T08:59:25+00:00