BHRS Webinar: Living with COVID – challenges & benefits of changes
The BHRS will be holding a webinar next week which will look at the recent experience of COVID-19, and how we move forward with cardiology / cardiac surgery whilst living with COVID-19. In addition, there have been enormous delivery of care changes which largely have been beneficial for patients and staff, and the webinar will discuss the benefits and the challenges that remain. We have an exciting, eclectic mix of speakers and chairs with international insight, who will deliver didactic practical brief talks. So please watch this space for details of how this can be accessed.
Webinar Outline
1. Chairs: Professor Francisco Leyva Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Professor Mauro Biffi, Institute of Cardiovascular diseases of Bologna, Italy with introduction and insight into the UK and Italian experience of COVID
2. Protecting patients and staff in the era of COVID
Dr Mathew Dryden Porton Down PHE Rare and Imported Diseases & Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust
3. Continuing cardiology – living with COVID
Howard Marshall, Consultant Electrophysiologist & Clinical Lead QEH.
4. Remote EP (video, telephone, Bardi, posting tapes)
Professor Ross Hunter, Barts, London
5. BNP and ecg as a guide to picking up significant valvular heart disease
Prof Bernard Prendergast, Guys and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London
6. Imaging in the era of COVID – who needs imaging when resources are limited
Nik Sabharwel
7. 10 years of Running a remote device clinic with cases
Mr Matt Swift, Cardiac Physiologist, The Great Western Hospital
8. Opportunities and challenges with remote services
Ian Wright, Imperial College Hospital, London
9. Patient feedback on remote cardiology
Trudie Loban OBE, Arrhythmia Alliance