Exceptional Opportunity to Submit an Expression of Interest (Deadline 15.12.21)

Scientist Training Programme (STP), Higher Specialist Training Programme (HSST) and Echocardiography Training Programme (ETP) 2022-2023

HEE is pleased to announce an exceptional opportunity, in addition to your submitted EOIs, to determine further capacity to help increase the STP, HSST and ETP programmes. This opportunity is to assist HEE in identifying your needs for any possible increases to your EOIs, which may or may not be possible depending on the outcome of additional funding being available.

For clarity, your current EOIs are being reviewed and this ask is purely in additional to this should extra funding be available.

The portal will be opened for new EOIs only; it is not necessary to re-submit a previous EOI for 2022/23. Decision-making regarding funding for 2022/23 EOIs is in progress and you will hear from HEE as the annual education and training budget allocation has been decided upon.

The online portals will be open from 09.00 on Wednesday 1 December 2021 and will close at 17.00 on Wednesday 15 December 2021.
The online portal for STP/HSST can be accessed using the following link:

The online portal for ETP can be accessed using the following link:

STP – Funding
In line with the nationally agreed approach to supporting STP trainees, HEE will provide salary support for each STP post for the duration of the 3-year programme. HEE funding for trainees commencing the programme in September 2022 will be at the bottom of band 6, confirmed at the Agenda for Change (AfC) rate for the financial year (plus 24% on-costs). Funding will increase incrementally each year in line with AfC rates. Posts in London will receive the higher cost supplement in accordance with AfC.

STP Educational Training Support
HEE will provide £2,000 per trainee for each academic year for educational training support. This funding will be included in the Trust’s Education Contract Finance Schedule, along with the salary support for trainees. The primary purpose of this funding is to contribute to the travel and accommodation expenses that a trainee will incur as part of the academic component of the programme. Trainees can also utilise this funding to support other activities that will enhance their learning, for example, attendance at conferences. Funding cannot be utilised to fund specific elective modules.

HSST – Training Grant
HEE will provide an allowance of £13,000 per trainee, per academic year to support the costs associated with the HSST programme.

HSST Year Training Allowance
Year 1 – £13,000
Year 2 – £13,000
Year 3 – £13,000
Year 4 – £13,000
Year 5 – £13,000

Echocardiography Programme (ETP) Funding
In line with the nationally agreed approach to supporting ETP trainees, HEE will provide salary support for each training post for the duration of the 18-month programme. HEE funding for trainees commencing the programme in September 2022, will be at the bottom of band 6, confirmed Agenda for Change (AfC) rate for the financial year (plus 24% on-costs). Funding will increase incrementally each year in line with AfC rates. Posts in London will receive the higher cost supplement in accordance with AfC.

ETP Educational Training Support
HEE will provide £2,000 per trainee for each full academic year for educational training support. This funding will be included in the Trust’s Education Contract Finance Schedule, along with the salary support for trainees. The primary purpose of this funding is to contribute to the travel and accommodation expenses that a trainee will incur as part of the academic component of the programme. Trainees can also utilise this funding to support other activities that will enhance their learning, for example, attendance at conferences. Funding cannot be utilised to fund specific elective modules.

Tuition Costs

HEE will fund the tuition costs for all commissioned posts; STP, HSST & ETP. These costs will be paid directly to the relevant University for the academic element of training.

STP, HSST and ETP Commissioning Timeline for new EOIs:

Portals open for new Expressions of Interest – 01/12/2021
Portals close – 15/12/2021
Local HEE office reviews applications – December 2021
Moderation by NSHCS – December 2021
Letters to trusts confirming commissions – January 2021

If you have any questions regarding the commissioning process, please e-mail: healthcarescience.commissioning@hee.nhs.uk