BHRS: Living with COVID – challenges and benefits of changes
Thank you to everyone involved for their time over the last 2 weeks to record the COVID webinar series. We’re pleased to announce the videos have been published and are now live on the Radcliffe website. Videos in the programme can be accessed by scrolling down the right-hand menu.
The programme outline is as follows:
- Continuing Cardiology: during & after COVID, H Marshall
- Remote clinics & investigations: what have we learnt during COVID? R Hunter
- BNP and ECG as a guide to picking up sig. VHD, B Prendergast
- Imaging in the era of COVID, N Sabharwal
- Running a remote device clinic with cases during & after COVID, M Swift
- Opportunities & challenges with remote services during & after COVID, I Wright
- Running a remote device clinic, T Lobban