BHRS Examination Guidance & Support Documents

In order to achieve BHRS Certification candidates must pass an examination

BHRS Examination

Next Exam: Wednesday 20th November 2024

We will hold the next BHRS examination on Wednesday 20th November 2024 (time slots between 8am and midday – UK time – will be available). The examination will be held via Pearson Vue centres. This means you can choose a Pearson Vue centre local to you to avoid unnecessary travel. Under some circumstances (i.e. for medical reasons) will also have the option to take the examination virtually. A letter from your GP must be produced.

The exam this year will consist of 120 questions with the syllabus essentially unchanged (no DVLA questions) with the emphasis on specialist questions (i.e. EGMs).

There are four exams available:

  • Devices
  • EP
  • Clinical
  • Physician (new for 2024).

Once you are able to book your examination please do as soon as possible to ensure you have as much choice as possible of your test centre as these get booked up quickly.

You will have 4 hours to complete the examination. A 10 minute comfort break is scheduled after 2 hours. Candidates should arrive at the test centre 15 to 30 minutes prior to their exam.

Registration will open 17th July 2024 at a cost of £350. Exam registration will be open until 5th November 2024.

Note: You must be an active BHRS member to register for the examination. The sooner you register to more choice you will have of test centres.

If you failed the examination and wish to resit you will need to re-register for the examination.

Next Exam Date

  • 20th November 2024

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Physician Exam (new for 2024)

2024 sees the launch of a BHRS accreditation exam specifically for physicians. The syllabus and accompanying logbook will mirror the cardiology training curriculum for the advanced theme “Leading an arrhythmia service” and is aimed at trainees at ST6 grade and beyond.

The exam syllabus covers key areas in arrhythmia management, cardiac implantable electronic devices and invasive electrophysiology as outlined in the cardiology curriculum, and gaining physician accreditation will provide strong evidence towards completion of the advanced training theme. It is then expected that candidates submit the log book over a period of 3 years (evidence from one year before and 2 years after is acceptable) for either Electrophysiology or Devices in line with the two different arms of advanced arrhythmia training. The first exam will be 15th May 2024 with registration opening 13th January 2024.  Sample questions will be available soon along with an outline of the syllabus and log book requirements.

Introduction & History of the Exam

The examination was first introduced in 1999 as part of the BPEG Certificate of Competency.  In 2006 the examination became the Heart Rhythm UK Certificate of Accreditation and structure of the examination was revised, with the introduction of core and specialist sections.  It is a requirement that you must be a BHRS member to take the examination.

In 2011, the examination paper was marked electronically for the first time.  Since then, the questions and candidates responses have been evaluated in detail so that we can continue to improve the quality, relevance and validity of the questions.

In 2013, the number of questions was increased to 120 (60 core and 60 specialty), in part, to bring the examination into line with the EHRA examination.  As a consequence, the duration of the examination was increased to 4 hours.  Also in 2013, we introduced a third “clinical” specialist section.  This section is aimed at nurses with a special interest in CRM and is complimented by a new “logbook equivalent” of case discussions. It was not felt appropriate that nurses with a special interest in CRM complete a logbook, instead there is a requirement to complete a number of case studies.

From 2020 the exam consists of 120 questions (no separate core and specialist papers) with the syllabus essentially unchanged (no DVLA questions) with the emphasis on specialist questions (i.e. EGMs).  To make the examination more accessible BHRS decided to hold the it via Pearson Vue training centres which gives candidates the choice of choosing a local setting to them.

Sample Exam Questions

For any potential candidate considering taking the exam in the future, you may find it useful to view the below representative questions for the devices and EP sections:

Exam Answer Sheet Guidance

Since 2011, the examination papers have been marked electronically. This allows British Heart Rhythm Society to be able to examine the questions and candidates responses in more detail, so that we can work to improve the quality and validity of the questions. It is therefore essential that candidates are aware of how they are required to mark their answers on the exam answer sheets