Arrhythmia Nurse Census
Message from Dr Angela Hall: “I completed some work a few years ago for BCS / BHRS around the numbers of arrhythmia nurses around the country, where we are all located, the WTE, our gradings, qualifications and roles. I would like to revisit this but with more detail and am fortunate to be working on this with Professor Ian Jones from Liverpool University.
Our aim is to understand more about the workforce. What do we know about the role of the Arrhythmia Nurse? With this in mind:
• Would you like to be involved in helping us to develop a national census of arrhythmia nurses?
• Are there questions that you want us to ask?
• Do you have a view on how we should administer the census?
It would be great to make this a robust and collaborative national piece of work.
Please direct any comments via the contact form on the BHRS website. We will collate these for Angela.