BHRS Council Elections
Each year (in the summer) the BHRS recruits for vacant positions on council.
If you feel you would like to contribute to the running of your Society, please apply to become a member of Council. You can find more details below and do keep up to date with the news page. Becoming a member of the BHRS council is an opportunity to help shape how BHRS develops whilst gaining excellent experience of becoming involved with influencing national policy and gaining a better understanding of national arrhythmia services.
All posts have a tenure of three years and are renewable for a second term after successful re-election. The Constitution does allow for past Council members to apply for these posts.
We welcome interest from anyone who is a current BHRS Ordinary Member and would like to join Council.
How to Join the BHRS Council
We would encourage you to consider standing for 2022. Details will be published of openings next year.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
British Heart Rhythm Society (BHRS) membership provides up to date information, supports continuing professional development and allows networking opportunities for professionals involved in the provision of high quality arrhythmias care for patients in the UK.
Membership is open to consultants, nurses, physiologists and other allied professionals involved in providing arrhythmia care.
BHRS provides a fantastic central resource so we can share ideas and support each other within arrhythmia care
The BHRS provides an invaluable section specific to Arrhythmia Nurses where we have access to protocols, guidelines, policies, presentations and training opportunities
Its incredibly invaluable to our field to have access to a multidisciplinary council with the ability to raise concerns and voice opinions