New BHRS President  – Eleri Gregory

As the newly appointed president of the British Heart Rhythm Society (BHRS), my foremost commitment is to the continuous advancement of education and training in the field of arrhythmia care. Our society thrives on the collective expertise of nurses, physicians and physiologists. Recognising their invaluable contributions, I pledge to:

Deepen and Diversify our Educational Offerings: We will harness the latest research, techniques, and technologies to offer a robust and comprehensive array of educational content. This ensures our members are always at the forefront of arrhythmia care.

Continue to Strengthen BHRS Accreditation: The BHRS accreditation is more than just a badge; it’s a testament to the quality and competence of its holder. We will further refine and expand our accreditation process, ensuring that it remains rigorous, relevant, and respected.

Broaden Our Membership Base: Every professional, irrespective of their role, brings a unique perspective and skill set to our society. I aim to make BHRS even more inclusive by actively reaching out and encouraging participation from across the spectrum of arrhythmia care professionals.

Together, as a united and driven BHRS community, we will set new standards of excellence and continue our tradition of pioneering advancements in arrhythmia care.”