BSH MDT Meeting
Thursday 4th May to Friday 5th May, Golden Jubilee Hotel, Glasgow

The British Society for Heart Failure has kindly provided BHRS with 15 fully funded places to their MDT Meeting entitled ‘Getting on the right track’ in Glasgow in May.orm.

The funded places include registration tickets for both days, a careers café to meet the faculty and a delegate dinner on Thursday 4 May, all refreshments, continental breakfasts and lunches. Travel expenses and accommodation are NOT included.

There will be 150 healthcare professionals from across the UK attending the event with the objective being to bring together nurses, trainees and HCPs for 2 days of high-quality education; lectures, case studies, workshops and discussion.

Places will be offered on a first-come, first served basis to active BHRS members. Successful applicants will be emailed within 3 days of application.

NOTE: Places are availalbe to BHRS members only so you must be logged in to complete the application form.