BHRS Webinar: Fundamentals of EP (PART 2)

Friday 27th September 2024
1.30pm – 4.30pm

This webinar is aimed at: Cardiac Physiologists and Cardiology Registrars/Fellows in Electrophysiology training in Electrophysiology training, who wish to gain knowledge of the basics of mapping and ablating arrhythmias.

  • Arrhythmia mechanisms incl. AF
  • Referencing & windows for Bipolar & LAT 3D electroanatomical maps
  • Entrainment principals and interpreting responses
  • Effective ablation and strategies
  • Differential pacing to prove lines of block


Holly Daw
Lead – Congenital Heart Disease Arrhythmia Physiology Service – Barts

James Elliott
Arrhythmia Education & EP lead- Barts

Amy Dutton
Cardiac Clinical Scientist – Manchester