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Tuesday 28th March 2023

Royal College of Physicians, London.

BHRS Education Committee

The BHRS education committee is pleased to announce our plan for education events as we develop your society.

In 2023 we will be holding a symposium at the Royal College of Physicians, London on 28th March. This will be pitched at experienced professionals working in arrhythmia and device cardiology with state-of-the-art updates across the field.

Later in the year, we will be holding a practical training day, in collaboration with industry partners.  The aim is to give professionals training in arrhythmias and devices the opportunity to experience a wide range of practical simulation and skills lab training. There will be the option to obtain DOPS tickets for portfolios.

We will also be supporting the continuation of the very successful EP tracing day previously run at the start of HRC.

From 2024 these elements will be brought together in a multi-day meeting in the autumn (venue TBC).

The education committee welcomes suggestions and feedback, please contact us with any comments via the contact page.

John Paisey
On behalf of BHRS Education Committee

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