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Live Education Webinar: EP CASES & TRACES

Tuesday 24th October 2023 2023, 1.30pm to 4.30pm

This webinar is aimed at…

• Those considering sitting the EP exam in 2023 or 2024

• Cardiology Registrars/Fellows & Cardiac Physiologists in EP training

• All BHRS members who wish to test their EP traces knowledge

Members of the BHRS Accreditation Committee will take you through example questions, what to expect in the exam, and investigative techniques; as well as tips for diagnosis and treatments.

If you have any interesting EP traces for discussion please email them directly to stuart.allen@mft.nhs.uk


Dr Dewi Thomas
Consultant cardiologist & electrophysiologist – Swansea

Dr Lee Graham
Consultant cardiologist & electrophysiologist – Leeds

Dr David Farwell
Consultant cardiologist & electrophysiologist – Essex

Mr James Elliott
Arrhythmia Education & EP lead- Barts

Miss Holly Daw
Lead – Congenital Heart Disease Arrhythmia Physiology Service – Barts

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