The BHRS is affiliated to the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) and the Arrhythmia Alliance (A-A). It has a seat on the BCS council and enjoys a close working relationship with A-A
Cardiac Physiologist Representation
Representation at the Academy of Healthcare Science (AHCS), National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS) and Improving Quality in Physiological Services (IQIPS) professional boards
Access to Arrhythmia Nurse Forum
Arrhythmia nurse members have access to an arrhythmia nurse forum and multiple shared policies, pathways, presentations and job descriptions accessible through the BHRS website members only pages
Eligibility to Apply for BHRS Certification
Eligibility to apply for BHRS certification in Devices, Electrophysiology and Nursing/Clinical certification
Discounted Rates at the Heart Rhythm Congress
Discounted rates for Heart Rhythm Congress (membership fee is taken off the registration fee to attend)
A Chance to Influence BHRS
A chance to influence BHRS by voting in council elections, attending and voting at the AGM and standing for office
Access to a Multidisciplinary Council
Access to a multidisciplinary council with the ability to raise concerns and voice opinion regardless of profession
Opportunity to Submit Content for Online Publication
Opportunity to submit case reports, traces and review articles for online publication demonstrating CPD to the BHRS editorial programme with published articles awarded 2 BHRS re-certification points to the first author per article
Free Access to Exclusive Content
Free access to member’s only content on the BHRS website with a selection of educational resources including presentations, journal summaries and resources
Opportunity to Share Local Protocols & Guidelines
Opportunity for members to share local protocols and guidelines through BHRS members only webpages which may help members avoid duplicating effort when developing new services, documents and standard operational policies