BHRS Council Elections 2022

The British Heart Rhythm Society is looking to recruit new council members as existing members come to the end of their term.  This is your opportunity to help shape how BHRS develops whilst gaining excellent experience of becoming involved with influencing national policy and gaining a better understanding of national arrhythmia services.

The following positions on Council fall vacant:

  • 2 x Doctor representative
  • 1 x Doctor (who does not perform ablation & works in a non-tertiary center)
  • 3 x Physiologist representative
  • 2 x Nurse representative
  • 1 x President Elect

If you feel you would like to contribute to the running of your Society, please apply to become a member of Council.

All posts have a tenure of three years and are renewable for a second term after successful re-election. The Constitution does allow past Council members to apply for these posts.  We are also looking to recruit a President Elect.  This post will be for one year in preparation to then take on the role of President.  Existing and potential council members can apply for this role.

The deadline for nomination will be 30th July 2022. Voting will commence on 9th August 2022.

The successfully elected candidates will officially join BHRS Council at the first council meeting after the elections. This will be during October 2022. This council meeting will be via Zoom.

Council work is fulfilling but you should expect to work additional hours to promote the efforts of BHRS.

We welcome interest from anyone who is a current BHRS Ordinary Member and would like to join Council.