Arrhythmia Nurse Workforce Survey


Arrhythmia Nurse Workforce Survey The survey is being conducted by a group of arrhythmia nurses who hope to provide an overview of the arrhythmia nursing role in the U.K. The survey is anonymous and you will not be asked to provide any personal data. The research has been deemed minimal risk and approved by [...]

Arrhythmia Nurse Workforce Survey2023-10-23T19:11:11+00:00

Remote Monitoring Consensus


Remote Monitoring Consensus The BHRS supports Dr Maria Paton and the British Heart Foundation in their work developing a consensus on remote services for cardiac device monitoring in the UK. Remote services for CIED monitoring enables the review of implantable cardiac device measurements and diagnostics remotely. These services have dramatically increased since the COVID-19 [...]

Remote Monitoring Consensus2023-10-19T11:06:16+00:00

VOTING NOW OPEN: BHRS Council Elections 2023


Voting is Now Open for BHRS Council BHRS Council Nurse, Doctor & Physiologist Representative Elections  Many thanks to everyone for their interest in joining the BHRS Council. We now ask all BHRS members for their vote. Please read through the individual candidate summaries and then choose your preferred candidate(s) for Nurse, Doctor, and Physiologist [...]

VOTING NOW OPEN: BHRS Council Elections 20232023-08-24T09:21:06+00:00

Arrhythmia Nurse Census Update


Message from: Dr Angela Hall, Nurse Consultant, Arrhythmia Dear Colleagues I, along with some colleagues, are undertaking a census of the arrhythmia nurse workforce in the UK to help us to understand more about our specialty. We are keen to discover the number of arrhythmia nurses in the country, where they are all located, [...]

Arrhythmia Nurse Census Update2023-06-14T18:24:07+00:00

Arrhythmia Nurse Survey


BHRS would like to improve its awareness and value amongst Arrhythmia Nurses. Our BHRS Council Nurse Reps have put together the following survey. We'd be grateful for your input as an Arrhythmia Nurse to help make improvements within the society. All submissions will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 shopping [...]

Arrhythmia Nurse Survey2023-04-04T10:41:14+00:00

Arrhythmia Nurse Census


Arrhythmia Nurse Census Message from Dr Angela Hall: "I completed some work a few years ago for BCS / BHRS around the numbers of arrhythmia nurses around the country, where we are all located, the WTE, our gradings, qualifications and roles. I would like to revisit this but with more detail and am fortunate [...]

Arrhythmia Nurse Census2023-03-26T09:00:48+00:00

UK Cath Lab Consensus Study


UK CATH LAB CONSENSUS STUDY On behalf of Iain Gillingham, Nurse & Researcher at Edinburgh Napier University "My name is Iain Gillingham, I am a nurse and a researcher at Edinburgh Napier University.  I would like to invite you to participate in a research study that I am conducting within Cath Labs in the UK. [...]

UK Cath Lab Consensus Study2023-01-21T16:19:25+00:00

Field Safety Notices Discussion


How does your department manage CIED field safety notices? Do you regularly review this? Please discuss and share best practices.  Visit our member forum to join the discussion or comment on the relevant post on social media. FSN MEMBER FORUM

Field Safety Notices Discussion2022-08-22T17:22:14+00:00

Concomitant Surgical AF Ablation Survey


Concomitant Surgical AF Ablation Survey There is a national working group currently composing recommendations for concomitant surgical AF ablation at time of valve surgery/CABG etc.   They are asking to canvas views of arrhythmia specialists, and as such, would appreciate input from BHRS members.  The survey will take no more than a few minutes to [...]

Concomitant Surgical AF Ablation Survey2022-02-16T20:25:18+00:00

BHRS Forum: GIRFT National Report on Cardiology


BHRS Forum: GIRFT National Report on Cardiology BHRS support the recently published GIRFT National Report on Cardiology but feel there may be concerns that need to be addressed. It was decided to gain wider feedback from our members using our forum. We encourage members to read the document and feedback any thoughts, questions or [...]

BHRS Forum: GIRFT National Report on Cardiology2022-02-16T20:26:15+00:00